ALL OF OUR MEDICAL UNITS Surgery, High Dependency Unit and Outpatient Surgery Maternity and Gynecology General Medicine and Geriatrics Accident and Emergency, ED Observation Unit and Emergency Response Unit Operating Unit Addiction Treatment Unit
ALL OF OUR CONSULTATIONS Surgical consultations Medical consultations Pediatric consultations Gynecology-Obstetrics consultations MEDICAL IMAGING : MRI, radiology, ultrasound, scanner
You are coming for a consultation You are coming for a scheduled hospitalisation You are hospitalised after coming to the emergencies
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You can consult below the main useful documents to prepare your stay and find all the information you need on the Bourg Saint Maurice Hospital:
Patient welcome booklet
You can find below the documents needed to prepare your hospitalisation or to help you regarding your stay in one of our care units:
Outpatient pre-surgery booklet Consent for surgery
Maternity welcome booklet Birth registration
Find below the rates of our hospital fees:
consultations fees obgyn consultations fees pediatric consultations fees hospitalisation fees medical imaging fees emergencies fees