Règler mes frais hospitalier
Patient rights
& duties

your rights & duties as a patient

your rights

Discretion & anonymity
If you wish for your hospitalisation in our facility to be done with discretion or to remain anonymous, please inform the staff during your admission.
Information & informed consent to care
As a patient, you have the right to receive clear and comprehensible information regarding your health, the treatments you are offered and their implications. Your informed consent is required before any medical act. This includes a complete undertanding of its benefits, risks, alternatives and consequences. You have the right to ask questions, to demand clarifications and to take the time necessary to make an informed decision. You have the right to refuse a treatment or take back your consent at any time. Exchanging informations and consent help taking a shared decision as well as respecting your autonomy and your dignity as a patient.
Accessing your medical file
All the informations regarding the treament and care that were delivered to you during your stay are assembled in a personal medical file that is protected by medical confidentiality. According to the March 4th 2002 law, you have the right to access those informations directly or by the means of a health professional that you have selected. You need to send your request with a written letter to the Head of the Hospital, with a copy of your identity card or passport. If you wish to get a copy of your file, you will be charged with the sending fees. The Head of the Hospital insures that all the precautions are taken to keep the full confidentiality of the medical informations kept at the Hospital of Bourg Saint Maurice. The R 1112-7 article of the "Code de la Santé pulique" states that a medical file established in a medical facility need to be preserved for 20 years after the date of the last stay or last consultation of a patient at the Hospital. The time of preservation is shortened to 10 years after a death but could be kept longer in certain cases.
Law "informatique & liberté"
Administrative and medical informations about you are saved in our system to insure administrative and medical management of your file and produce statutory statistics. Administrative and medical data are protected by medical confidentiality and under the responsability of the Doctor in charge of Medical Information in the Hospital (06/01/1978 law).
According to medical deontology and the measures of the "Informatique & Liberté" law, you can engage your right to access and right to rectify with the Doctor in charge of Medical Information through you treating Doctor. This data will be archived, during the legal time of preservation, under the responsability of the facility.
Person of trust
You have the right to appoint a person of trust to help you in your medical proceedings and represent your will in case of inability to express yourself. This person, chosen freely among your close ones (parent, friend, general practitioner...), can assist to your medical appointments and act as a referent for the medical team. This person does not have the power to make decisions regarding your treatment, but will be able to express your will and beliefs. You can revoke this designation at any time.

Advance directives
You have the right to write advance directives to express your will in terms of medical treatment in case you are in incapacity to communicate due to an accident or a disease. Those advance directives, written by hand, are your choices in terms of medical treatments and acts, especially for end-of-life, such as continuing, limitating, stopping or refusing certain treatments. Medical professionals have to respect your will if expressed in conformity with the law. You can write your advance directives on any medium, and give it to medical staff, a person of trust or your general practitioner.
Complaints and claims
If you consider yourself to be a victim of harm or an adverse event during your cadre, please refer to the head of the care unit you are hospitalised in on the first hand.

If you have not received the answer you need, you can send a letter to the Head of the Hospital :
Centre Hospitalier de Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Direction
139 rue du Nantet BP 11 73704 Bourg-Saint-Maurice Cedex

You can also ask for a mediator to be contacted through the Users' Committee : by sending a letter at the address mentioned above, or by sending an email to parole.usager@ch-bsm.fr.

The Users' Committee guarantees the respect of patients' rights and helps you with proceedings. It consists of: the Head of the Hospital, a medical mediator, a non-medical mediator, a user's representative. It will assess your complaint and inform you on means of redress or possible reconciliations.
Users' representatives
The users' representatives play a crucial role in the medical system as spokepersons of the patients. They are designated to defend your rights, express your concerns, and contribute to bettering the care of patients and their close ones. If you wish to contact them, you can ask your questions and share suggestions or concerns with them during their opeing hours at the Maison de Santé next to the Hospital (once a month). You can send them an email to :
Discrétion & anonymity
If you wish for your hospitalisation in our facility to be done with discretion or to remain anonymous, please inform the staff during your admission.
Informed consent to care
As a patient, you have the right to receive clear and comprehensible information regarding your health, the treatments you are offered and their implications. Your informed consent is required before any medical act. This includes a complete undertanding of its benefits, risks, alternatives and consequences. You have the right to ask questions, to demand clarifications and to take the time necessary to make an informed decision. You have the right to refuse a treatment or take back your consent at any time. Exchanging informations and consent help taking a shared decision as well as respecting your autonomy and your dignity as a patient.
Accessing your medical file
All the informations regarding the treament and care that were delivered to you during your stay are assembled in a personal medical file that is protected by medical confidentiality. According to the March 4th 2002 law, you have the right to access those informations directly or by the means of a health professional that you have selected. You need to send your request with a written letter to the Head of the Hospital, with a copy of your identity card or passport. If you wish to get a copy of your file, you will be charged with the sending fees. The Head of the Hospital insures that all the precautions are taken to keep the full confidentiality of the medical informations kept at the Hospital of Bourg Saint Maurice. The R 1112-7 article of the "Code de la Santé pulique" states that a medical file established in a medical facility need to be preserved for 20 years after the date of the last stay or last consultation of a patient at the Hospital. The time of preservation is shortened to 10 years after a death but could be kept longer in certain cases.
Law "informatique et liberté"
Administrative and medical informations about you are saved in our system to insure administrative and medical management of your file and produce statutory statistics. Administrative and medical data are protected by medical confidentiality and under the responsability of the Doctor in charge of Medical Information in the Hospital (06/01/1978 law).
According to medical deontology and the measures of the "Informatique & Liberté" law, you can engage your right to access and right to rectify with the Doctor in charge of Medical Information through you treating Doctor. This data will be archived, during the legal time of preservation, under the responsability of the facility.
Person of trust
You have the right to appoint a person of trust to help you in your medical proceedings and represent your will in case of inability to express yourself. This person, chosen freely among your close ones (parent, friend, general practitioner...), can assist to your medical appointments and act as a referent for the medical team. This person does not have the power to make decisions regarding your treatment, but will be able to express your will and beliefs. You can revoke this designation at any time.

Advance directives
You have the right to write advance directives to express your will in terms of medical treatment in case you are in incapacity to communicate due to an accident or a disease. Those advance directives, written by hand, are your choices in terms of medical treatments and acts, especially for end-of-life, such as continuing, limitating, stopping or refusing certain treatments. Medical professionals have to respect your will if expressed in conformity with the law. You can write your advance directives on any medium, and give it to medical staff, a person of trust or your general practitioner.
Complaints & claims
If you consider yourself to be a victim of harm or an adverse event during your cadre, please refer to the head of the care unit you are hospitalised in on the first hand.

If you have not received the answer you need, you can send a letter to the Head of the Hospital :
Centre Hospitalier de Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Direction
139 rue du Nantet BP 11 73704 Bourg-Saint-Maurice Cedex

You can also ask for a mediator to be contacted through the Users' Committee : by sending a letter at the address mentioned above, or by sending an email to parole.usager@ch-bsm.fr.

The Users' Committee guarantees the respect of patients' rights and helps you with proceedings. It consists of: the Head of the Hospital, a medical mediator, a non-medical mediator, a user's representative. It will assess your complaint and inform you on means of redress or possible reconciliations.
Users' representatives
The users' representatives play a crucial role in the medical system as spokepersons of the patients. They are designated to defend your rights, express your concerns, and contribute to bettering the care of patients and their close ones. If you wish to contact them, you can ask your questions and share suggestions or concerns with them during their opeing hours at the Maison de Santé next to the Hospital (once a month). You can send them an email to : parole.usager@ch-bsm.fr.

your duties

Please respect the following instructions:

Avoid making to much noise to respect other patients that may be resting.

Turn off your television and/or end your phone call during care or the doctor's visit.

Be respectful of the staff members of the Hospital and of other patients.

Alcohol is strictly forbidden.

It is forbidden to film or take photographs inside the Hospital, except strictly personal images.

Respect the rules and recommandations regarding hygiene rules in the Hospital.

It is forbidden to smoke or vape in the rooms and everywhere inside the facility, as well as on the balconies.

Animals are not allowed inside the Hospital, except for service dogs in certain cases.

If you have an ongoing treatment, please respect the following instructions:

Give your prescriptions to the nurses and if neeed, your ongoing personal treatment.

Inform the doctors and nurses if you feel any side effects.

Ask questions to understand your treatment, why your personal treatment has been stopped and what is your new prescription.

DO NOT : Take any medication without informing the doctor.

DO NOT : Change a dose of medication on your own.

hospitalised patients charter

General principles of the hospitalised patients' charter:
[Ministry of Health]

  Download the full document

Each patient is free to choose the health care institution he wants to take care of him, subject to the limitations of each institution. The public hospital service is accessible to everyone, in particular to the most needy persons and, in the event of emergency, to persons without social security cover. It is adapted to handicapped persons.
Health care institutions must guarantee the quality of reception, treatment and care. They must be attentive to pain relief and do everything possible to ensure everyone is treated with dignity, particularly at the end of life.
Information given to the patient must be accessible and reliable. The hospitalised patient can participate in the choice of treatment. He can be assisted by a trusted support person that he freely chooses.
A medical procedure can only be conducted with the free and informed consent of the patient. The latter has the right to refuse all treatment. Any adult can express his wishes as to the end of his life in advance directives.
Specific consent is needed for patients participating in biomedical research, the donation and use of parts and products of the human body and for screening procedures.
A patient who is asked to participate inbiomedical research must be informed of the expected benefits and the foreseeable risks. His agreement must be given in writing. His refusal will not have any effect on the quality of care that he receives.
The hospitalised patient can, unless otherwise provided for by the law, leave the institution at any time after having been informed of any risks incurred.
The hospitalised patient must be treated with consideration. His beliefs must be respected. He must be ensured privacy and peace and quiet.
Respect of privacy is guaranteed to every patient, as well as confidentiality of personal, administrative, medical and social information concerning him.
The hospitalised patient (or his legal representatives) benefits from direct access to health information concerning him. Under certain conditions, in the event of death, his beneficiaries benefit from the same right.
The hospitalised patient can express his views on the care and reception provided. In each institution, a commission for relations with users and the quality of care given ensures that the rights of users are respected. Every patient has the right to be heard by a manager of the institution to express his grievances and request compensation for harm to which he believes he has been subjected within the context of an amicable settlement procedure for disputes and/or before the courts.

Useful links
Preparing your stay  
Social workers & repatriation  