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about the hospital of

Located in the heart of the Tarentaise valley, the Bourg Saint Maurice Hospital is serving the surrounding population as well as the customers from the moutain sports resorts. Our different units offer a comprehensive range of care : Accidents and Emergencies, ED Observation Unit, Emergency Response Unit, Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Abdominal Surgery, Endoscopy, Ophtalmic Surgery, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, General Medicine, Maternity, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Medical Imaging (MRI, radiology, ultrasound, scanner), Outpatient Consultations, Nursing Home.

The Bourg Saint Maurice Hospital counts 163 beds in total :

beds in
beds in outpatient
beds in
general medicine
beds in
high dependency
beds in
beds in ED
observation unit
geriatric beds
nursing home
geriatric beds
Alzheimer unit

our hospital

our history

Hospice - Hôpital de Bourg Saint Maurice
Hospital is founded by Marguerite Flandin.
The flooding of the Arbonne river destroyed the Hospital building which was then rebuilt in the city center.
The building becomes the Bourg Saint Maurice Hospice following that year's presidential decree.
Opening of the Hospital-Hospice which includes several units: General Medicine, Maternity, Surgery and Hospice.
A private clinic is built on the outskirts of the city (Rue du Nantet) and is bought in 1978 by the public hospital. The Maternity, Surgery and Medical Imaging units are transfered to the new building, meanwhile the Hospice and other general units are kept in the old facility.
1984 & 1989
On May 1st, the General Medicine unit is in turn transfered to the new building, followed in 1989 by all the other units still present in the old facility in the city center. It is then, in 1989, that is born the new Bourg Saint Maurice Hospital.
The Hopsice is legally transformed into a nursing home and long-term care facility. In 1995, the elder residents of the Hospice are moved to the nursing home's new buildings.
The Bourg Saint Maurice Hospital is expanded and modernised, thanks to the opening of a new medical wing with: an operating unit (with 4 operating theatres), an obstetrical operating room, an accident and emergency unit as well as an ED obervation unit. Consequently, rehabilitation work as been done in the older wings of the Hospital.
The Hospital strenghens its care offer by expanding its sterilisation unit and creating a high dependency unit. The same year, the Hospital takes part in the creation and development of a « Mountain Medical Center ».
The Hospital, partering with Imagerie des Cimes, founds the GIE IRM de la Tarentaise to offer to its patients access to high-tech medical imaging with a modern and sophisticated MRI.