ALL OF OUR MEDICAL UNITS Surgery, High Dependency Unit and Outpatient Surgery Maternity and Gynecology General Medicine and Geriatrics Accident and Emergency, ED Observation Unit and Emergency Response Unit Operating Unit Addiction Treatment Unit
ALL OF OUR CONSULTATIONS Surgical consultations Medical consultations Pediatric consultations Gynecology-Obstetrics consultations MEDICAL IMAGING : MRI, radiology, ultrasound, scanner
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The consultations unit welcomes patients Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. The team is multidisciplinary and offers appointments for a large range of specialised consulations.
Our surgical specialities are: visceral and digestive, orthopaedic and traumatologic, cosmetic and reconstructive, vascular as well as spine and rachis surgery.
Our medical consultations specialities are: cardiology, anaesthesia, hepato-gastroenterology, sexology and sophrology consultations.
Our consultations unit also offers gynaecology and obstetrics consultations, appointments with midwives as well as obstetric ultrasounds.
Our consultations unit offers paediatric and paediatric endocrinology consultations.
Our medical imaging unit is equiped and trained to perform: x-rays, scans, ultrasounds and MRIs.