Your bill is payable on receipt. You can settle your bill:
If you have social security but you do not have a "mutuelle" or other complementary insurance for your hospital fees, you need to pay your bill before your discharge:
If you have a complementary insurance or "mutuelle", please contact them to know the extent of the coverage of those fees.
Contact your insurance to know the extent of the coverage of your hospital fees.
Feel free to contact the hopsitalisation desk to etablish an invoice to send to your insurance:
You need to pay the entirety of your hospital bill and other services, before you are discharged from the hospital.
In case of any issue with this matter and if you are a residing in France with a social security number, you can contact the social workers of the hospital:
Some hospital practitioners dedicate a part of their activity to the liberal sector.
For a consultation in liberal activity, the entirety of the fees will be at your charge and a form will be given to you to get your reimbursement.
A consultation in the liberal sector does not mean that, in need of further care, you should be hospitalised strictly in the private sector.
For an hospitalisation in the private sector, the doctor will give you an authorisation form to sign if you agree to. If you wish to be hospitalised in the private sector, you need to express it directly.
We remind you that you will have to pay the user fee (or flat fee) that will not be covered by your "mutuelle" or complementary insurance.
useful links
Preparing your stay
Patient rights & duties
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